Saturday 16 July 2016

Day 3

An other long day behind the wheel, as we decided that we would go through Sweden as fast as the landy would take us. Yesterday over 740 km, today another 710, brining us to a total over 2 1/2 days of 1755 km.

To our surprise the roads up north are actually really good which allowed us to make some good time. But it's the fuel stops that need to be figured into the equation as I have only a 43L fuel tank. I've been trying to do the fuel stops so that they were at stations that corresponds to my diesel card, the discount is applied. This is all and well till my Garmin GPS decided to act up today. In Luleå we were forced to back track to find one of the last Preem stations in northern Sweden.

After Luleå the roads did begin to get worst but that did play into my hand with the cars. On one long stretch of rough gravel road I was able to pass. That was a change.

Eventually we made it to our destination of Pajala Camping in Pajala.

Tomorrow's plan is the final fill up in Sv, fill the cooler with fresh meat and head into Finland.

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